Once Again We Live on There

I personally believe that this series on life in Heaven is one of the nigh important topics I accept written about. Everything about Heaven should change a Christian'southward life. The place where believers volition live for eternity is not some foreign spiritual world where we will have wings, bladder on clouds, and sing songs all mean solar day long forever and ever. Heaven, instead, is this electric current world and universe restored dorsum to an Eden-similar paradise. In the past three parts of this serial, I have discussed our resurrection bodies, the environment of the New Earth (and Outer Space!), and the culture of our future domicile. In this final article, I want to write about what our daily lives will be like. I wrote nigh how nosotros will have piece of work to practise in part three. Today, I want to discuss other aspects of our daily lives, for example, how can Heaven exist fun if we cannot sin, will we swallow and drink, what nearly union, sleep, amusement, music, and sports? Volition any of these have a habitation on the New Earth? Let's find out. (Links to the other three parts of this series are institute at the bottom of the article). What will our daily lives exist like in Heaven?

Will nosotros exist able to sin in sky?

I would like to first with a uncomplicated topic: will we be able to sin in Sky? Of class, the respond is no. Romans 6:23 says that "the wages of sin is death." Yet, decease volition no longer be a part of the world after Christ'southward return (Revelation 21:4). Christ died one time to deal with sin and death (Hebrews 9:26-28; ten:ten; 1 Peter three:18). Sin will not have any part in the new heavens and new earth.

The reason why I bring this discipline up is that some people will ask how we tin accept complimentary will when nosotros cannot sin. Some people may take information technology as far to retrieve that Heaven won't be any fun if we cannot sin. First off, Scripture is clear that while we are nether the Curse we are slaves to sin. Information technology is only after Christ'southward render that we will be truly free like we never have been before.

It is very difficult, especially for Americans, to understand how someone can be free and yet never sin. Doesn't liberty mean that nosotros volition have to decide between good and evil in lodge to be free? Yet the Bible tells united states of america plainly that Christians in heaven volition be righteous (one Corinthians 5:21), and that nosotros will be resurrected "incorruptible" (1 Corinthians 15:52). The Holy Spirit will make us perfect to the point where we will never want to sin, and He will give us the power to never choose to do wrong. There will be no temptation on the New Earth.[i]

Concerning the thought that Sky will not be fun without sin is heresy (or very close to it). This idea basically says that life cannot be fun without drugs, sex activity exterior marriage, alcohol, or a host of other things. This kind of thinking shows just how perverted and sinful civilisation has become – God is boring, Satan is fun. However, God is the one who created fun. He is the 1 who made the universe, animals, meadows, oceans, and everything else. He created all the things that we have fun with. Neither Satan nor humanity created fun. Satan tempts the states (sinners) to pervert God'south original pattern. Sin is not required to have fun. Writer Randy Alcorn sums it upwardly well:

"We've fallen for the devil'southward lie. His most bones strategy, the same 1 he employed with Adam and Eve, is to make us believe that sin brings fulfillment. However, in reality, sin robs united states of america of fulfillment. Sin doesn't make life interesting; it makes life empty. Sin doesn't create chance; information technology blunts it. Sin doesn't expand life; information technology shrinks it. Sin's emptiness inevitably leads to boredom. When there's fulfillment, when there's beauty, when we run across God as he truly is – an endless reservoir of fascination – boredom becomes impossible. Those who believe that excitement tin't exist without sin are thinking with sin-poisoned minds. Drug addicts are convinced that without their drugs they can't live happy lives. In fact – as anybody else can see – drugs brand them miserable."[ii]

What about Marriage?

Throughout this series, I have noted that a good way to remember most Heaven is through the principle of continuity. Since Sky volition be a physical world, where we will live in physical bodies (and nosotros'll nevertheless be male and female), it is logical to think that many things from this globe will go along on throughout eternity. Yet, the only clear thing that Scripture says that was a part of God's original creation, simply will not be a function of the New Earth is marriage. Jesus says in Matthew 22:30, "At the resurrection people volition neither marry nor exist given in marriage…"

How can this be? Many cannot think of life without matrimony and everything that information technology entails. Nonetheless, Christians should not despair virtually this. We must call up that union was created past God earlier the Curse. It was pronounced as "very good." It seems obvious that because of this, it is unlikely that God, who created u.s. for marriage, would have something so important abroad from us without replacing it with something meliorate. God is not going to remove something for no reason at all.[three]

Will there be eating and drinking?

When thinking about Heaven most Christians do not typically recollect well-nigh whether or not we volition eat and drink on the New Globe. Most presume that at that place would be no signal. If nosotros are going to have perfect bodies, then why would we need to eat? Too there are a couple of passages that seem to say that eating will not exist a part of the Kingdom of God.

Romans 14:17 says, "The kingdom of God is non a affair of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." This passage, however, is not about Sky. The context of the passage is concerning how Christians should not make other people stumble over what nosotros eat and drinkable in this life.[4]

A second passage is ane Corinthians 6:13 which says, "'Food for the tum and the stomach for nutrient' – but God will destroy them both."[v] This verse is once again about a Christian'southward liberty and not to abuse it. It is in the general context of sexual immorality. It does not seem probable that it is referring to the New Globe (peculiarly in regards to the following points that I am well-nigh to brand).

However, there is some evidence that in that location volition be nutrient and drink in the Restored Earth.

  1. Jesus told the disciples that they would "eat and drink at my table in my kingdom" (Luke 22:30).
  2. Jesus ate nutrient after his resurrection (Luke 24:42-43; see also Acts 10:forty-41).
  3. In Luke 22:eighteen, Jesus says, "For I tell you lot I volition not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes." Matthew 26:29 words it as "I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I beverage it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."
  4. Revelation xix:9 speaks nigh Christians eating the wedding supper, and Matthew 8:11 tells us that Christians will swallow with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

It is possible that Revelation 19 and Matthew viii are speaking figuratively. All the same, Luke 22:xxx specifically says that the apostles will consume, sit on thrones, and estimate the twelve tribes of Israel. Matthew 26:29, along with Luke 22:30, make the most sense if Christ is referring to his second coming, and not some other issue.

Apropos Jesus eating food after his resurrection the famous evangelist Billy Graham says, "Information technology wasn't that Jesus was hungry, for He was no longer subject field to human needs. I believe He ate with them for two reasons: to prove His bodily resurrection and for fellowship with His disciples. When He was last with them, they fellowshipped around the table and shared the Passover meal."[6]

Although I concur with what is said, I do not think whatever of these disprove that we will eat on the New World. Near people think we volition non because of two reasons: 1) Heaven will be "spiritual," which I take shown repeatedly is simulated; and ii) our bodies will be perfect. Nonetheless, at that place is nothing evil about nutrient. God created food before the Curse. Eating and drinking is one of the many pleasures that God created for us to savour. Yes, in Sky nosotros volition not be overweight or underweight – nosotros will be healthy. Yes, God has the power to give us unlimited energy. Fifty-fifty so, that does non mean that food will exist taken away. Adam and Eve lived in a perfect earth with perfect bodies, even so God specifically told them to swallow (Genesis 3:2).

However, this raises an issue. It is articulate that humans and animals were vegetarians earlier the Fall (Genesis ane:29-30). Meat eating was not given by God until afterward the Corking Flood (Genesis 9:iii). Yet, Romans viii:19-23 specifically says that the Curse will be removed from all of creation, including the animals. This is a adept reason to believe that humanity and animals will again exist vegetarian. The outcome that I alluded to above has to do with the fact that Jesus ate fish subsequently his resurrection. Randy Alcorn explains the trouble, and solutions, well:

"Jesus ate fish in a resurrected trunk. Nonetheless, that was on an unresurrected Earth, nonetheless under the Curse. Hunting and killing animals is legitimate and sometimes necessary on the present Earth. However, to the degree that hunting animals involves their fear, suffering, or expiry, it wouldn't fit with the biblical clarification of the New Globe, where not simply people only also animals live in peace and harmony: 'The wolf and the lamb volition feed together, and the lion volition consume straw similar the ox…They will neither harm nor destroy' (Isaiah 65:25). We're told animals' eating habits will modify-why not ours?"[7]

I believe that the Bible does teach u.s.a. that nosotros will eat and drink on the New Earth. And considering that the Expletive will be removed, it is prophylactic to presume nosotros will no longer be killing and eating the flesh of animals, who volition also be free from the curse. We won't consume and drink because we need the calories – nosotros will practice so considering it is a joy and pleasure that God created for the states to do together.

Where volition nosotros live?

Will we live in homes? John fourteen:2 says, "In my Father's house are many mansions…I go to fix a place for you." The Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate, used the word mansions in this verse, as did The Rex James Version. However, it is an improper translation. It should read as "In my Father'due south house are many rooms…I am going there to prepare a place for you." The point of this poetry is that we will each have an individual abode place in Sky. Although it is possible that the context of John 14:2 is the Present Heaven, it would be strange if God gives a identify to live while there, but non on the New Earth. What these homes volition be like, the Bible does not say. However, it is pretty safe to presume that our homes in Heaven will surpass annihilation the greatest kings accept lived in during this life.

Will some homes in Heaven be like this?
Will some homes in Heaven be like this?

What about music, art, amusement, sports, etc.?

In role 3, I noted that we volition continue to have our individual gifts, skills, and abilities. This would naturally include music and artistic ability (for crying out loud at that place is an entire book of music in the Bible called Psalms!). What about sports and entertainment? Will we be able to play baseball or run rails? Will there be movies and other forms of entertainment.

Why not? In that location is nothing inherently evil about any of these things. Is there any reason to believe that God hates play? Sadly, in this world we take twisted athletics and entertainment (think about violent video games and the airs some people have when they are very skilful at a item sport). Yet, remember, that God will redeem non only humanity and the world, but human culture also (encounter part 3). Sports and amusement will remain a part of our lives, just with the sinful attitudes humanity has with them removed.

Volition nosotros sleep and rest?

This topic is similar to eating and drinking. If our bodies are perfect, then why would we need residual and sleep? There is a unproblematic fashion to wait at this issue – God rested on Day 7 of creation. Was God sinning when he did this? Of form not! Sleep and residual, like food, are a pleasure in life and something to savor.

Heaven will be a place of work and relaxation.
Heaven volition be a place of work and relaxation.

Will we wear apparel in heaven?

Since God created Adam and Eve naked, it can exist assumed by Christians that nosotros will be naked once again in Heaven. However, Adam and Eve were innocent, not righteous as nosotros will be (1 Corinthians v:21). Also, recall that Adam and Eve did not fifty-fifty know of their nakedness before they sinned (Genesis 3:7). We volition retain our memories in Heaven and so we volition know if we are naked or not. However, as I accept noted more one time, in that location will be a continuation of homo civilization in Heaven, and Jesus presumably wore clothing later his resurrection (or was he running around in his birthday adjust?).

Worship of God is central

Many Christians accept the idea that all we volition practice in Heaven is worship God. Of course, that is true! However, most Christians call up that the only way to worship God is to sing songs and show up every Lord's day morn to a building we phone call church building. However, this is not the merely mode to worship God. Using the skills and abilities that God gave us in a way that glorifies him is worship. Recollect that God gave mankind the dominion mandate before the Curse entered our world. That was to be a part of our worship of God.

Some may think that the topics that I discussed in this series are a grade of materialism. However, this shows that a person who has this kind of thinking has a huge misunderstanding about Heaven and everything in it. Everything that I have discussed in this series stems from our worship of God. Our lives on the New Earth only accept significant within the context of worshipping God, and that includes all his gifts – food, crafts, animals, friendships, etc.

"That Life will be one wholly devoted to the worship and service of God, an unending Sabbath of peaceful rest and joyful praise. The disruption and brokenness in the relationship between God and his people will be concluded. All toil and burdensome [labor] will give style to gladhearted service of God. The life of God's people will be ane of unending, thankful worship. This worship will have place inside the setting of the new heavens and earth."[8]

Will Life in Sky be Irksome?

Scripture uses imagery "that suggests that many of the ordinary pleasures of life in the torso will characterize life in the new creation."[9] Anthony Hoekema notes that Heaven is pictured as a great city – the New Jerusalem. Cities are ordinarily humming with activeness.[10] How could Heaven be dull? We will live with God in a perfect world and have and so many things to practice and enjoy.[11]

Challenging our Current Perspectives

Scholar Anthony Hoekema sums up Heaven very well:

"This all means a lot for u.s. now. If there is continuity as well as discontinuity betwixt this earth and the new earth, we must work hard to develop our gifts and talents, and to come as close equally we can to producing, in the strength of the Spirit, a Christian civilization today. Through our kingdom service, the building materials for the new earth are now being gathered. Bibles are being translated, peoples are beingness evangelized, believers are being renewed, and cultures are beingness transformed. Only eternity will reveal the full significance of what has been done for Christ here on earth. A scintillating future awaits us—not a future of disembodied beingness (though this volition exist an before part of it), but everlasting life in glorified bodies on the new globe. Compared with the immeasurable bridge of eternity, this present life is but a passing moment, a fleeting sigh.Nosotros look forward eagerly to that new earth, which will far surpass in splendor annihilation that we have always seen before."[12]

Randy Alcorn does the aforementioned:

"Without an eternal perspective, without understanding the reality that the best is yet to come, we assume that people who die young, who are handicapped, who aren't good for you, who don't get married, or who don't________ [make full in the blank] will inevitably miss out on the best life has to offer. Simply the theology underlying those assumptions is fatally flawed. Nosotros're presuming that our present Globe, bodies, civilisation, relationships, and lives are superior to those of the New Earth. What are we thinking?"[13]

He continues:

"The smartest person God ever created in this world may never accept learned to read because he or she never had the opportunity. The most musically gifted person may never have touched a musical musical instrument. The greatest athlete may never have competed in a game. The sport you're best at may exist a sport yous've never tried, your favorite hobby ane yous've never thought of. Living under the Curse means we miss endless opportunities. The reversing of the Curse, and the resurrection of our bodies and our World, mean we'll regain lost opportunities and inherit many more likewise."[14]

God is going to make up for all the heartbreak that has occurred in this life. Nosotros are substantially going to have a second gamble to live the lives that we always wanted and were meant to have – a life filled with happiness and joy with God. The Apostle Paul says information technology perfectly, "In this way they will lay upwards treasures for themselves equally a business firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life" (one Timothy 6:19).

What practice yous call back? Tin can you await for Heaven, or are you besides consumed with the problems of this life? Leave a comment and tell me what y'all retrieve.

Part one – Will we be ourselves in Heaven? (Life in Heaven series)

Role 2 – What will the New World be similar? (Life in Sky series)

Office three – Piece of work and Human Cultures in Heaven? (Life in Sky serial)

[1] Randy Alcorn. Heaven (Ballad Stream: Tyndale, 2004). 311-314. Hank Hanegraaff. Afterlife (Brentwood: Worthy Publishing, 2013). 36-38.

[ii] Alcorn, 410.

[three] Ibid., 352.

[4] Ibid., 301.

[5] Anthony Hoekema, in his volume The Bible and the Futurity (p. 252), appeals to this poesy to teach that our digestive systems will not exist in Heaven. Cornelis Venema, nevertheless, disagrees and does non believe that this verse, in this detail context, teaches this (The Promise of the Future, Carlisle: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2000.  474).

[six] Billy Graham. The Heaven Answer Volume (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012). 64-65.

[7] Alcorn, 307.

[eight] Venema, 475, 477.

[9] Ibid., 473.

[10] Anthony Hoekema. "Sky: Not Just an Eternal 24-hour interval Off," Christianity Today (June 6, 2003), http://world wide web.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/juneweb-only/6-2-54.0.html?paging=off

[eleven] Hanegraaff, 30-31.

[12] Hoekema.

[thirteen] Alcorn, 431.

[fourteen] Ibid., 434.

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Source: http://christianworldviewpress.com/what-will-our-daily-lives-be-like-in-heaven/

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